3 Works in GenerativeArt 2020 (AI_Jam + LivingWonderland + SkyWindow)

It is my honor and pleasure to announce that my works, “AI_Jam”, “LivingWonderland”, and “SkyWindow,” has been selected in the Artworks Session of GenerativeArt 2020 this year. Due to the COVID-19, the whole event will be held virtually online from Dec 15th to 17th which should be originally taking place on Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy. GenerativeArt international conference has been held since 1998 and is the 23rd this time to celebrate and connect the research and scholars around the world focusing on Generative Art.

My three works: “AI_Jam” intends to create a simple web-based instrument that people can jam with the rhythm generated by AI in real-time; “LivingWonderland” reflects the lusts craving for freedom in everyone’s mind under the pandemic; “SkyWindow” implies a piece of “hope” people desperately desire under hours of quarantine in an entire enclosure space over this pandemic crisis. Please refer to the following links to enjoy the projects.

3D virtual exhibition: http://generativeart.com/loc2020/program.htm
My virtual exhibition video page: https://generativeart.com/reserved_to_participants/mostra/44_Jia-Rey/Jia-Rey.html
GeberativeArt 2020 virtual exhibition video page: https://generativeart.com/reserved_to_participants/mostra/XXIIImostra.html
Generative Art webpage (please refer to “program 2020” for the proceedings and shows): https://generativeart.com/



我的三件作品“AI_Jam”, “LivingWonderland”, “SkyWindow”很榮幸都入選今年GenerativeArt2020國際研討會的Artworks作品。GenerativeArt 國際研討會是由Celestino Soddu教授從1998年在米蘭理工大學舉辦的年度研討會,今年已邁入第23屆並將於12月15至17日舉行,研討會目的在於宣揚並連結世界各地對於Genrative Art有關的研究與人才。因疫情的關係,活動皆改由線上舉辦,雖不能到米蘭,但很開心作品能讓更多人欣賞。AI_Jam希望人們可以恣意的利用這個作品的介面與經由人工智慧所產出的節奏即時地玩出音樂;LivingWonderland反映在疫情下大家蠢蠢欲動的心情;SkyWindow則呈現疫情下居家隔離對於希望的渴望。有興趣的,可以透過GenerativeArt的網站3D虛擬藝廊欣賞或至其線上藝廊欣賞影片。

Generative Art 網站(請至program2020下觀賞):https://generativeart.com/