WonderForest in {Between – An Inventory of Anachronic Practice}

WonderForest will be exhibited as a video artwork in the SYSTEM section with other 24 international artists under this year’s theme “{BETWEEN} — An Inventory of Anachronic Practice” at PCD@Coimbra taking place in NEST Collective Downtown, a co-working and cultural venue in Coimbra Historical Centre. “WonderForest” provides a fantasy immersive visual/audio VR interactive environment asking the question of “what is real?”. If life is composed of a pile of sensory experiences, should VR be included even people are not ready and think of it as anachronistic?
PCD@Coimbra Webpage:
PCD@Coimbea_{BETWEEN} — An Inventory of Anachronic Practice exhibition webpage:
我的VR 互動作品,WonderForest,在今年主題為 “{BETWEEN} — An Inventory of Anachronic Practice”(中介_一份不合時宜的實踐清單) PCD@Coimbra (Processing Community Day @ Coimbra)活動中,與其他24位世界各地使用Processing創作的藝術家一起參展。12月8日開始為期三天的展覽將採線上與實體的混合模式。屆時將由University of Coimbra的資訊系主辦於其系館與Coimbra舊城中心的NEST Collective Downtown搭配線上座談活動舉行。葡萄牙時間9日下午2點,將有由Ted Davis為Keynote Speaker的演講,而緊接著3點半開始也會有我參與的藝術家座談時間。詳細資訊請參看以下所附的網站連結註冊參加。WonderForest用Processing創造一個身歷其境且可互動的虛幻空間,抽象化所謂的動物,環境,地景等的具象概念,進一步挑戰使用者對於身體感知的認知,以丟出VR空間體驗真實性的問題。
PCD@Coimbea_{BETWEEN} — An Inventory of Anachronic Practice展覽介紹網站: