3 Works in GenerativeArt 2021 ([FishTank] + Fragments + WonderForest)
Three of my generative artworks, Fragments, [FishTank], and WonderForest are selected to be exhibited as artworks in Generative Art 2021 International Conference which will be held in Hybrid format this year. Besides physical presentation at Archaeological National Museum, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, there will also be virtual presentation and exhibition taking place remotely. In Fragments, it emphasizes the anxiety of self-doubt and the process of self-finding every individual has, just like the floating color dots in this piece that eventually will find their own meanings to result in a beautiful art piece. [FishTank] creates a VR environment in an enclosure room that has a flock of “cubic fish” floating in the air. The audience can not only see the fish but also can create obstacles (cube-block) to somehow manipulate the movement of the cubic fish. It seems that the audience has the power over the fish but it also reflects the idea of are we numbly have also been controlled by any organization or programmed by another supreme species. “WonderForest” provides a fantasy immersive visual/audio VR interactive environment asking the question of “what is real?”. If life is composed of a pile of sensory experiences, should VR be included even people are not ready and think of it as anachronistic?
Generative Art 2021 online exhibition page:
Generative Art 2021 Webpage:
我的三件Generative Art作品,Fragments、[FishTank] 和 WonderForest,入選今年Generative Art 2021 International Conference中的artworks。Generative Art 2021 採取複合模式,從15號到17號為期三天,除了於義大利薩丁島的卡利亞里國家考古博物館(Archaeological National Museum, Cagliari, Sardinia)的實體展覽與論文發表,也有線上型式的虛擬展場與報告。Fragments討論著每一個體在生命中尋求自我並完成自我的過程,猶如畫布上的彩色塗料,最終將完成一幅美麗的圖畫。[FishTank]則為虛擬空間互動作品,觀者猶如置身在一方型空間內,看著促群般的魚群在空間中游移,利用手上的遙控器更可增加減少環境中的大型方體的數量與造型,掌控快體在空間中的移動,進一步討論人似乎優越地操控著世界,而我們是否也被其他更高智能的物種所操控著,猶如這空間中的魚群。WonderForest則創造一個身歷其境且可互動的虛幻空間,抽象化所謂的動物,環境,地景等的具象概念,進一步挑戰使用者對於身體感知的認知,以丟出VR空間體驗真實性的問題。
Generative Art 2021線上展覽頁:
Generative Art 2021主網站: