Light Talk VR=Void Room at ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee SPARKS

It was my pleasure to give a short presentation about the concept and creative viewpoint of my interactive VR artworks at Sparks sponsored by the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee. The theme of the event is called “Artists’ Games: Critical and Creative Approaches in New Media Art”, which intends to explore critical and creative approaches to video games in new media art. 10 new media artists from all over the world will share their own work and critical insights on the field, and in engaging from global and diverse perspectives. Historical and contemporary approaches are considered, as well as future forecasts.
The mission of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee is to foster year-round engagement and dialogue within the digital, electronic, computational, and media arts. Our goal is to promote collaboration between artists and the larger computer graphics and interactive techniques community.
Please go to the event page and sign up for the zoom discussion if interested.
3/25(五)美東時間下午四點,我很榮幸有機會參加ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee所主辦的SPARKS系列輕談活動,做一個5分鐘的作品創作概念分享我三件VR互動作品:Monitoring Room, [FishTank] 及 WonderForest。本次活動主題為「藝術家的遊戲:新媒體藝術家以遊戲創作的批判性與創造性方法」(Artists’ Games: Critical and Creative Approaches in New Media Art),由與會的10位來自世界各地以遊戲為媒介創作的藝術家來分享批判性見解,從全球不同角度所進行的觀點,從歷史與當代的方法來考量,進而對未來做出預測。
國際數位藝術的指標性單位ACM SIGGRAPH 下的Digital Arts Committee其成立宗旨是加強在數位、電子、電腦、與媒體藝術界專業人員的參與度與對話,以促成藝術家與電腦繪圖與互動科技社群之間的合作。