WonderForest in Recto VRso Art & VR Gallery

My interactive VR artwork WonderForest is exhibiting at the 5th Recto VRso Digital Art Festival at La Chapelle Ambroise Paré in Laval, France, from 12th to 17th of April. Recto VRso is an international digital art festival that explores, promotes, and encourages the creation of artworks related to interactive and immersive art between the real and the virtual. It exhibits artworks made by artists, researchers, students, and explorers who question the medium of virtual and mixed reality. Its purpose is to open the space to discuss new forms of artistic expression and virtual/mixed reality, and to different hybridizations and emergencies. “WonderForest” provides a fantasy immersive visual/audio VR interactive environment asking the question of “what is real?”. If life is composed of a pile of sensory experiences, should VR be included?

Recto VRso webpage: https://rectovrso.laval-virtual.com/en/home/

Recto VRso Art&VR Gallery page: https://rectovrso.laval-virtual.com/en/2022-artworks/

WonderForest @ Recto VRso page: https://rectovrso.laval-virtual.com/oeuvres-2022/wonderforest/


我的VR實體互動作品WonderForest於4/12-17於法國拉瓦勒(laval)第五屆Recto VRso數位藝術節展出。每年在拉瓦勒舉辦的Laval Virtual,今年將在La Chapelle Ambroise Paré舉辦,是歐洲最富盛名虛擬實境盛會,也是歐洲第一個虛擬及擴增實境的科技展,自 1999年來吸引來自世界各地的相關科技公司、藝術家、研究人員、學生來此參展朝聖。五年前由Judith Guez博士開辦的Recto VRso國際數位藝術節,致力於推廣探討真實與虛擬的互動與沉浸式藝術,參展藝術作品都是以虛擬及擴增實境作為創作媒介,目的為創造一個可以討論新科技藝術型態的表現平台。WonderForest透過身歷其境的可互動虛幻空間,抽象化所謂的動物,環境,地景等的具象概念,進一步挑戰使用者對於身體感知的認知,以丟出VR空間體驗真實性的問題。

Recto VRso webpage: https://rectovrso.laval-virtual.com/en/home/

Recto VRso Art&VR Gallery page: https://rectovrso.laval-virtual.com/en/2022-artworks/

WonderForest @ Recto VRso page: https://rectovrso.laval-virtual.com/oeuvres-2022/wonderforest/