On-Real | Un-Real Solo Exhibition in NMAC at CICA Museum

I was selected to be one of the artists/presenters at the 2022 New Media Art Conference (NMAC) at CICA Museum, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. Along with the conference, I will have my very first solo exhibition ever. CICA NMAC 2022 aims to celebrate art in the digital age and shares thoughts and ideas on new forms of art and culture in relation to emerging technologies and trends including artificial intelligence, virtual/augmented reality, social media, and art in the time of the pandemic. The title of my exhibition/presentation is “On-Real | Un-Real” to arouse the questions such as “What is Real”, “What is Oneself”, and “What is the relationship between Space and Body” throughout my artworks with multiple mediums like VR, AR, generative art/sound…etc. (Please check my CICA NMAC personal website for more details: https://cicamuseum.com/jia-rey-chang-solo-exhibition/). The solo exhibition will be held from 6/8 to 6/12. The conference will run from 6/11 to 6/13 and I will have my presentation on the 12th in the morning session. Please check the link below for registration if interested.
CICA NMAC conference page: https://cicamuseum.com/nmaconference/
CICA NMAC Jia-Rey Chang’s Page: https://cicamuseum.com/jia-rey-chang-solo-exhibition/
很高興能被選中而參與在南韓京畿道CICA Museum的新媒體藝術會議(New Media Art Conference = NMAC),並舉辦我個人人生中的第一場個展,非常興奮。2022為其舉辦的第六屆國際會議,NMAC的主要目的在宣揚數位藝術,以及探討並分享當今藝術在人工智能、虛擬/增強現實等新興技術與趨勢下所形塑的新藝術型態和文化形式,尤其是在疫情之後的所面對的挑戰與改變。我的個展與演講的題目為「On-Real|Un-Real」(真實的非真實 – 真實的虛幻),藉由我這兩年來的VR/AR創作、生成藝術、影音動畫創作去討論關於真實性的議題以及人類感知的改變。例如:在虛幻的體驗下,感受是否為真?在非真實的環境下,何謂感知?詳細敘述部分可以參看CICA NMAC我個人展覽的頁面(https://cicamuseum.com/jia-rey-chang-solo-exhibition/)。時間上,個展的部分是6/8-6/12為期五天,會議則是6/11-6/13舉行,我將在南韓時間12日上午進行我的演說部分。有興趣可以線上註冊參與。
CICA NMAC conference page: https://cicamuseum.com/nmaconference/
CICA NMAC Jia-Rey Chang’s Page: https://cicamuseum.com/jia-rey-chang-solo-exhibition/