Sea, the Beyond/ Cry(p)(s)tolizing in ADAF 2023
My VR interactive project “Sea, the Beyond” and Web interactive project “Cry(p)(s)tolizing” are both selected to be exhibited in this year’s ADAF (Athens Digital Art Festival) – Welcome to Uncanny. “Welcome to the Uncanny” explores how the uncanny manifests today: How is it related to new technologies, algorithms, and augmented reality? What is it that provokes this familiar yet disturbingly strange feeling? Can machines predict our every move, or do we still possess free will? How can we be sure of what is real and what is simulation?”. The festival will last for 3 days from 12-14 May in 3 different locations in Athens plus an online exhibition (Astor Cinema-Screening; Korai Arcade -VR; Athino Theater/Brown Lighthouse Theater – Performance). “Sea, the Beyond” talks about the idea of virtual and reality but focuses on the idea of self-interpretation and imagination. As a gift of a human being, we’ve been stopped using our imagination often due to the over-reliance on visuals. Hence, what we can see is the thing(sea) but what we shall do (beyond) is imagine. “Cry(p)(s)tolizing” explores the contrast between the slow and natural process of crystallization in the physical world and the fast and algorithmic generation of cryptocurrencies and NFT artworks in the digital world.
ADAF Exhibition Info:
ADAF VR Website
ADAF- Sea, the Beyond:
ADAF online exhibition:
ADAF WebArt page:
ADAF- Cry(p)(s)tolizing page:
我的VR互動作品「Sea, the Beyond」以及網路互動作品「Cry(p)(s)tolizing」同時獲選今年雅典數位藝術節的VR類與網路藝術類的項目,自5月12日至14日於雅典的三個實體展區加上線上網站展出 (Astor Cinema-Screening; Korai Arcade -VR; Athino Theater/Brown Lighthouse Theater – Performance)。
今年藝術節以「Welcome to the Uncanny– 歡迎來到不思議」為主題,探討當今新科技、演算法、擴增實境所帶來的熟悉與不安,自由意志的被操控,真實與虛擬的模糊,透過為期三天的展覽,帶領觀者到一個超凡的境界。「Sea, the Beyond」《Sea, the Beyond》講的是虛擬和現實,但更側重於自我詮釋和想像的概念。人類的天賦讓我們過度依賴視覺效果,使我們經常停止使用我們的想像力。 因此,我們不應該專注於眼前的海,而要透過想像跨越到彼岸。「Cry(p)(s)tolizing」則是對當今NFT現象的反思,在短時間內,透過生成演算法可生成數以萬計的作品,並以數量來產生稀缺性的價值,相比於自然界中透過千萬年演化所生成寶石是否更為可貴。在時間的快與慢,數量的多與少中,何為價值? Cry(p)(s)tolizing為線上展出,可到 用電腦玩,如有問題,可以更新瀏覽器(Chrome)看看喔!
ADAF 展覽資訊網站:
ADAF VR 作品網站:
ADAF- Sea, the Beyond網站:
ADAF online exhibition:
ADAF WebArt 主網站:
ADAF- Cry(p)(s)tolizing網站: