Ver-meer’s Colors in Color | CICA Museum

My 3D Generative Art “Ver-meer’s Colors” is selected as one of 35 international artworks exhibited in “Color” at CICA (Czong Institute for Contemporary Art) in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (9/13-10/1). “Ver-meer’s Colors” is exhibited under the VIDEOART section. “Ver-meer’s Colors” draws attention to the current severe issue of information bias. The Views First culture within the social network has created a vicious competition making sensational titles of content to gain more clicks. “Ver-meer”(Dutch) can be directly translated as “Far-more” in English. “Ver-meer Colors” is not only hinting the surficial meaning of the work is based on Vermeer’s painting colors but implicitly asks the question of whether we are going to use ” Far-more ” additional colors to spice up the information. Now, do you know which Vermeer’s painting “Ver-mere’s Color” is based on? For more detailed information about the artworks and artists in the exhibition, please visit:
CICA Museum/ Color
我的3D Generative Art「Ver-meer’s Colors」將與其他35組藝術作品共同在名為 “Color”的主題下,於韓國京畿道的CICA (Czong Institute for Contemporary Art) 美術館展出(9/13-10/1)。作品很開心再次被主辦單位選為展覽文宣網站的代表視覺之一。「Ver-meer’s Colors 」試圖引起人們對當前嚴重信息偏差問題的關注。在點閱率/流量為王的文化下,通過煽情的標題來獲得更多的點擊量的現象已成日常。帶來的危險是觀眾誤以為他們通過標題就能了解完整的資訊而妄下定論,甚而成為被有意人士帶風向而不自知的棋子。「Ver-meer’s Colors 」擷取知名荷蘭畫家維美爾的畫作作為基礎,試圖讓觀者去猜測是為何畫作。標題荷文Ver-meer除了是維美爾的名字外,亦可直譯英文為Far-More。如將標題解讀為Far-More Colors後,到底是更多的加油添醋或是需要更多的真實資訊。關於展覽的作品與藝術家介紹,可至此鏈結了解更多細節(。
CICA Museum/ Color 2023