Sea, the Beyond in Contemporary Landscape 2024 | CICA Museum

My immersive interactive art piece, “Sea, the Beyond” is selected as one of 42 international artworks exhibited in “Contemporary Landscape” at CICA (Czong Institute for Contemporary Art) in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (13/Dec-7/Jan). “Sea, the Beyond” will be showcased in video format. “Sea, the Beyond” talks about the idea of virtual and reality but focuses on the idea of self-interpretation and imagination. As a gift of a human being, we’ve been stopped using our imagination often due to the over-reliance on visuals. Hence, what we can see is the thing(sea) but what we shall do (beyond) is imagine. For more detailed information about the artworks and artists in the exhibition, please visit:
CICA Museum/ Contemporary Landscape 2024:
我的VR 互動沉浸式作品「Sea, the Beyond」將以影片形式與其他42組藝術作品共同在名為 “Contemporary Landscape”的主題下,於韓國京畿道的CICA (Czong Institute for Contemporary Art) 美術館展出(12/13/23-1/7/24)。「Sea, the Beyond」講述的是虛擬和現實,但更側重於自我詮釋和想像的概念。人類的天賦讓我們過度依賴視覺效果,使我們經常停止使用我們的想像力。 因此,我們不應該專注於眼前的海,而要透過想像跨越到彼岸。關於展覽的作品與藝術家介紹,可至此鏈結了解更多細節(。
CICA Museum/ Contemporary Landscape 2024: