Reincarnation at PCD24@Porto

My Creative Coding Interactive Art “Reincarnation” was selected to be exhibited at PCD24@Porto under the theme of “Ludic Aesthetics” with 14 other artists internationally. “Ludic Aesthetics” intended to explore how new media and technologies and their aesthetics support ludic experiences in multiple domains of life? How can playfulness in and by computation promote new understandings and creativity? Reincarnation was showcased on-site as well as an online exhibition ( Reincarnation encapsulates an ecosystem, a realm of predator-prey dynamics game. Circular shapes symbolize predators, while quadrangles represent plant-like prey. Lives unfold following specific rules. As a player, you can introduce prey or predator, reshaping the current state with a button press. A pinch in front of the camera or a mouse click effortlessly terminates lives on the monitor. Sound familiar? In both political and natural realms, this mirrors the true game we, as humans, engage in.
PCD@Porto Website:
PCD@Porto Exhibition Website:
Reincarnation @ PCD@Porto site:
我的生成(creative coding)互動作品「Reincarnation (輪迴)」於葡萄牙波多大學美術系所舉辦的PCD (Processing Community Day) 展出。今年主題為「嬉戲美學」,企圖探索新媒體和科技及其美學如何支持生活中的嬉戲體驗以及電腦運算如何與娛樂甚或美學進行結合而重新定義「創意」?除了在現場展出外,主辦單位亦舉辦線上展覽(,讓無法到場的觀眾亦能體驗數位藝術的魅力。「Reincarnation (輪迴)」創造了一個捕食者與獵物動態賽局的生態系統。圓形象徵捕食者,而四邊形代表植物狀獵物。作為玩家,您可以透過按下滑鼠按鍵引入獵物或捕食者來攪亂當前狀態,甚至只要在攝影機面前捏一下手指或者點擊一下滑鼠右鍵,就可以毫不費力地消滅此虛擬環境中的猶如螻蟻的生命。聽起來有點耳熟嗎?生在這個殘酷的世界,不論是殘暴的獨裁者發動自我滿足的戰爭,或是人類優越地對自然生態的無情摧毀,「Reincarnation (輪迴)」恰恰反映了人類參與其中、每天不斷上演的真實遊戲。
PCD@Porto Website:
PCD@Porto Exhibition Website:
Reincarnation @ PCD@Porto site: