Sea, the Beyond | Vermeer’s Colors | Reincarnation in C3 Festival

My 3 Creative Coding Interactive Art pieces, “Sea, the Beyond”, “Ver-meer’s Colors”, and “Reincarnation” were exhibited in video format at C3 Festival from 13-14 June in Amsterdam. C3 is a contemporary software engineering and design festival. C3 = Code, Career, Connections. The event invited keynote speakers/speakers internationally from the industry including software engineering, innovative technology, games, filmmaking, entertainment, and art. Workshops, art exhibitions, and EDM parties also happened in this 2-day event.
“Sea The Beyond” talks about the idea of virtual and reality but focuses on the idea of self-interpretation and imagination. As a gift of a human being, we’ve been stopped using our imagination often due to the over-reliance on visuals. Hence, what we can see is the thing(sea) but what we shall do (beyond) is imagine.
“Ver-meer’s Colors” draws attention to the current severe issue of information bias. The Views First culture within the social network has created a vicious competition making sensational titles of content to gain more clicks. “Ver-meer”(Dutch) can be directly translated as “Far-more” in English. “Ver-meer Colors” does not only hint that the work’s surficial meaning is based on Vermeer’s painting colors but implicitly asks whether we will use ” Far-more ” additional colors to spice up the information.
Reincarnation encapsulates an ecosystem, a realm of predator-prey dynamics game. Circular shapes symbolize predators, while quadrangles represent plant-like prey. Lives unfold following specific rules. As a player, you can introduce prey or predator, reshaping the current state with a button press. A pinch in front of the camera or a mouse click effortlessly terminates lives on the monitor. Sound familiar? In both political and natural realms, this mirrors the true game we, as humans, engage in.
C3 Festival:
C3 Festival my intro page
我的三件生成作品「Sea, the Beyond」「Ver-meer’s Colors」「Reincarnation」將以影像撥放的形式,於阿姆斯特丹舉辦的C3 Festival中展出 (6/13-14 2024)。C3所指的是:Code, Career, 及Connection,以程式設計為主軸,擴及至科技、新創、遊戲、藝術與娛樂等。活動更邀請世界各地的業界人士來演講,舉辦工作營,並同時設置藝術展覽與電音派對等活動以促進交流。
「Sea, the Beyond」作為一件VR作品除論述虛擬和現實外,但更側重於自我詮釋和想像的概念。我們不應該專注於眼前的海,而要透過(人類的天賦)想像跨越到彼岸。
「Ver-meer’s Colors 」試圖引起人們對當前嚴重信息偏差問題的關注,強調觀眾誤以為他們通過標題就能了解完整的資訊而妄下定論的偏差。
C3 Festival:
C3 Festival my intro page