Loki Test @ XAIxArts2024

My AI interactive artwork “Loki Test” is selected to join the 2nd international XAIxArts (eXplainable AI for the Arts) workshop @ 16th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition in Chicago/Hybrid (23rd June 2024). The XAIxArts workshop intends to bring together a community of researchers and creative practitioners in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)/Interaction Design/AI/explainable AI (XAI)/Digital Arts to explore the role of XAI for the Arts. XAI is a core concern of Human-Centred AI and relies heavily on HCI techniques to explore how to make complex and difficult-to-understand AI models more understandable to people. It further discovers using AI as art materials to execute this concept. “Loki Test” challenges AI obedience, with a chatbot named after the god of mischief aiming to joke rather than being satisfied and pleased. It sharply reflects the bias in AI’s database and encourages critical thinking about AI trustworthiness. Unlike obedient AI assistants on the market, Loki prompts caution in trusting AI.
The XAIxArts 2024 website: https://xaixarts.github.io/2024.html
The 16th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition website: https://cc.acm.org/2024/
The Loki Test Video: https://vimeo.com/904719832/d8b045a5b1
我的人工智慧互動藝術作品「Loki Test」榮幸被選中參與第 16 屆 ACM Creative & Cognition Conference研討會之第二屆國際 XAIxArts (eXplainable AI for the Arts) 工作坊,將在 6 月 23 日於芝加哥伊利諾大學與線上舉行。 根據維基百科,電腦協會ACM是世界性的電腦從業員專業組織,世界上第一個科學性及教育性電腦學會,亦是現時全球最大的電腦相關學會。ACM C&C下的XAIxArts 工作坊聚集人機互動 (HCI)/互動設計/人工智慧/可解釋人工智慧 (XAI)/數位藝術領域的研究和創意工作者,分享XAI 在藝術中的應用與影響。 其核心關注以「人」為中心的人工智慧,探索如何使複雜且難以理解的人工智慧模型更容易為人們所接受,並進一步使用人工智慧作為藝術材料來創作。 「Loki Test」挑戰人工智慧本質的服從性。「Loki Test」以惡作劇之神命名的聊天機器人非典型地跟使用者開玩笑,而非如同其他AI給予滿足和取悅。它尖銳地反映了人工智慧資料庫中存在的偏見,並鼓勵對人工智慧可信度的批判性思考。「Loki」顯然與市面上聽話的智慧助手不同,更多的是提醒人們對於信任人工智慧,應採取謹慎態度。
The XAIxArts 2024 website: https://xaixarts.github.io/2024.html
The 16th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition website: https://cc.acm.org/2024/
The Loki Test Video: https://vimeo.com/904719832/d8b045a5b1