Loki Test @ Storytellers + Machines 2024

My AI interactive artwork “Loki Test” is selected to join the “Storytellers + Machines”. Storytellers + Machines 2024 is a two-day(2-4/07/2024) transdisciplinary conference on creative AI at the School of Digital Arts (SODA), championing the contributions of artists, creative practitioners, and technologists, alongside other voices from academia, industry, and cultural sectors in the lively and contested creative AI space. Talks, panel discussions, artist presentations, exhibitions, and performances from over 70 speakers including academics from 20 universities, alongside independent researchers, filmmakers, musicians, artists, and creative industry professionals from the UK and around the world. The School of Digital Arts builds on the creative, science, tech, and business strengths of a university whose research is rated as ‘world-leading’ and is changing the way we live, work, learn and play. “Loki Test” will be exhibited as an interactive installation on-site at this conference. “Loki Test” challenges AI obedience, with a chatbot named after the god of mischief aiming to joke rather than being satisfied and pleased. It sharply reflects the bias in AI’s database and encourages critical thinking about AI trustworthiness. Unlike obedient AI assistants on the market, Loki prompts caution in trusting AI.
Storytellers + Machines 2024 website: https://storytellersandmachines.xyz/
SODA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schoolofdigitalarts/
Loki Test video: https://vimeo.com/904719832/d8b045a5b1
我的人工智慧互動藝術作品「Loki Test」榮幸被選中參與今年於曼徹斯特都會大學 (Manchester Metropolitan University)數位藝術學院舉辦的「Storytellers + Machines 2024」研討會。「Storytellers + Machines 2024」研討會是為期兩天(2-4/07/2024)關於創意人工智慧(Creative AI)的跨學科會議,集結業界/學界/文化界中的藝術家/創意從業者/科技專家等,討論在這充滿活力和爭議的新創意AI (Creative AI)領域內的各方面發展,著重於創意與AI的連結。研討會網羅來自英國與世界各地20所大學的學者,加上業界人士,包括獨立研究人員、電影製作人、音樂家、藝術家和創意產業專業人士,進行演講、辯論、小組討論、展覽和表演。主辦單位曼徹斯特都會大學數位藝術學院(簡稱SODA)在創意、科學、科技與商業等跨領域學科位居世界領先地位,並以創意改變生活、工作、學習和娛樂方式為宗旨為名。「Loki Test」在此研討會將以互動藝術裝置形式展出。「Loki Test」挑戰人工智慧本質的服從性。「Loki Test」以惡作劇之神命名的聊天機器人非典型地跟使用者開玩笑,而非如同其他AI給予滿足和取悅。它尖銳地反映了人工智慧資料庫中存在的偏見,並鼓勵對人工智慧可信度的批判性思考。「Loki」顯然與市面上聽話的智慧助手不同,更多的是提醒人們對於信任人工智慧,應採取謹慎態度。
Storytellers + Machines 2024 website: https://storytellersandmachines.xyz/
SODA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schoolofdigitalarts/
Loki Test video: https://vimeo.com/904719832/d8b045a5b1