Loki Test | Reincarnation @ FAB24 ARTeFAB Mexico

My AI interactive artwork “Loki Test” & interactive generative art “Reincarnation” were selected to join the 20th edition of FAB24 ArteFAB Expo @ Ex-Hospital de San Roque in Puebla, Mexico (July 25th to August 8th). Both Loki Test and Reincarnation were exhibited in video format. FAB24 is an immersive techno-social innovation conference providing a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration, fostering connections and partnerships between the international maker community and local communities to shape our collective future. “Loki Test” challenges AI obedience, with a chatbot named after the god of mischief aiming to joke rather than being satisfied and pleased. It sharply reflects the bias in AI’s database and encourages critical thinking about AI trustworthiness. Unlike obedient AI assistants on the market, Loki prompts caution in trusting AI. Reincarnation encapsulates an ecosystem, a realm of predator-prey dynamics game. Circular shapes symbolize predators, while quadrangles represent plant-like prey. Lives unfold following specific rules. As a player, you can introduce prey or predator, reshaping the current state with a button press. A pinch in front of the camera or a mouse click effortlessly terminates lives on the monitor. Sound familiar? In both political and natural realms, this mirrors the true game we, as humans, engage in.
FAB24 online exhibition website: https://fab24.fabevent.org/expo/
我的人工智慧互動藝術作品「Loki Test」以及互動生成藝術作品「Reincarnation」榮幸被選中參與於墨西哥普埃布拉市舉行的第 20 屆 FAB24 ArteFAB Expo,從七月25到八月8日為期15天在醫院古蹟(Ex-Hospital de San Roque)的展覽。FAB24 是個強調科技社群與創新的沉浸式研討會作為提供知識交流和協作的平台,促進國際創客社區和當地社區之間的聯繫和夥伴關係,更以塑造未來為目標。「Loki Test」挑戰人工智慧本質的服從性。「Loki Test」以惡作劇之神命名的聊天機器人非典型地跟使用者開玩笑,而非如同其他AI給予滿足和取悅。它尖銳地反映了人工智慧資料庫中存在的偏見,並鼓勵對人工智慧可信度的批判性思考。「Loki」顯然與市面上聽話的智慧助手不同,更多的是提醒人們對於信任人工智慧,應採取謹慎態度。「Reincarnation (輪迴)」創造了一個捕食者與獵物動態賽局的生態系統。圓形象徵捕食者,而四邊形代表植物狀獵物。作為玩家,您可以透過按下滑鼠按鍵引入獵物或捕食者來攪亂當前狀態,甚至只要在攝影機面前捏一下手指或者點擊一下滑鼠右鍵,就可以毫不費力地消滅此虛擬環境中的猶如螻蟻的生命。聽起來有點耳熟嗎?生在這個殘酷的世界,不論是殘暴的獨裁者發動自我滿足的戰爭,或是人類優越地對自然生態的無情摧毀,「Reincarnation (輪迴)」恰恰反映了人類參與其中、每天不斷上演的真實遊戲。
FAB24 online exhibition website: https://fab24.fabevent.org/expo/